Friday, January 06, 2006


Thank god it's Friday cupcake! Geez. This week went by pretty fast; however, I'm glad it's the weekend.

I've decided to ditch - I've had three potential guys, not worth the money - let me tell you! I've decided I will email all of them today (including the ex that never emailed me back) with my normal information and then get the high hell out of there! That's what I get for believing love could be found online.

Still no word from #3, I'm toying with the idea of texting him today one of our normal flirtations, but the fear of not getting a response is killing me. I should just do it. I'm sick of the teacher - don't call me 40 times a day dude! You don't drink, smoke or have sex - no interest. Mr. Delafield sent me a rather snotty email and I'm over that.

#1 text messaged me last night, that he knows I don't want him in my life but he's there to talk if I need it. The funny thing is that I do miss him a bit - but it's so hard to distance yourself from someone like him and it just perpetuates the situation. Hmmm. What to do? I'm not at all attracted, yet keep going back. It's not like BZ's Mr. Big (I think #3 fits that category) - it's more like an insane addiction of hope that someone at some point could want me.

The not drinking thing has been going pretty well (minus tequila on Wednesday) and the smoking this is really cut back. I've been doing the AM/PM gym thing, so sticking with that and have not gotten any since the New Year's incident. Overall, I think that the resolution thing is still going well - then again, we are only on day six.

I researched Canada again last night, I'm not sure if I could pull it off or not. Better wait and save some dough - which leds to getting an additional job or getting a new one. Review is next Wednesday, so maybe the money situation will be okay. Who knows these days?

The month of yes is a crock of ----. I've opted to not do it now - too many complications and no more destructive relationships!

I probably screwed myself from getting any this weekend, shaved this morning at the gym - a girl can dream can't she?

1 comment:

BZ said...

I get an honorable mention! Yay! haha But, seriously, chica, cut the losses and keep it moving! That whole thing about the hope of "someone at some point could want me." -- There are good ones that do! But you have to want you first!! And, Mr. Delafield sounded nice, but if he's sweating you that hard - calling like a bugaboo, get rid of him. Easier said than done. *sigh* No more destructive relationships!!!