Thursday, June 14, 2007

Wing Woman

Wikipedia's definition of a "WINGMAN"

Wingman is a term in the seduction community that a man may take when he goes to a club or bar with an accompanying male. A wingman is expected to support his friend in approaching women. The men often pick a desired woman, who is referred to as the "target." The man intending to seduce the target is often called the "pilot." The wingman is expected to back up the pilot, which typically entails talking to the target's less attractive friend(s) and making comments that will make the pilot seem more attractive. This is often referred to as "taking one for the team."

Wingwoman is much the same, except there is women doing the same with men.

While taking a moment to reflect on everything that's happened since Monday I started writing in my Neenah Columns book about every relationship I've been in since I was 12. One of the outstanding similarities was "Wing-Woman."

When I was 12, my 13 year old friend wanted to date this guy Steve but I had to go out on double dates (because HELLO we're 12 & 13) so I had to go out with Pete, who was my first boyfriend.

When I was 14, my friend (same age) wanted to do to this drinking party to hook up with this guy John, so we went and I had to distract his friend who turned out to be (gulp) the fiance.

After that, when I was finally out on my own, another friend wanted to date this guy that frequented our bar, but his friend was in town and needed a distraction, so I was it.

Same factor with #1 (and same friend). The pattern continues on and on.

So I've decided that being a wing-woman is evil.


Anonymous said...

I just stumbled across your blog a few days ago. I gotta say, it's nice to know that other 20-something year old women in the city face the EXACT same problems. You're pretty ballsy...good work.

BumpNRun said...

Wingmen are for military missions, not bars.

Anonymous said...

You lost that loving feeling? Woh ooh oh oh!