Friday, June 15, 2007

Oh, Ouch Milwaukee.

This came from Molly's blog, you can read more in context at Molly's Blog.
Since plagiarism is now publicly acceptable at, I have decided to distance myself from that group of bloggers and readers as much as possible. I recognize the fact that the blogosphere is still relatively new, and I want to associate myself with a credible and creative group that are determined to take blogging to the next level. I fully expect my share of trolls and ongoing negativity, but at least now I feel like I’ll have more control of where my writing is headed and I have a fresh start and a brand new reader base. I look forward to what's next!

Here's the jist of the post - Visit Milwaukee sponsors 2-3 blogs (can't remember if the 3rd launched at all), they don't pay the writer but they do supply a computer, internet, camera, etc and will get the writer tickets to certain events so they can write about what's going on. By all means, out of the blogs "Play in the City" got the most publicity hit under Erin than compared to "Paint the Town" and then the restaurant blog that was supposed to be launch a year or 2 ago (can't get too much hits since I'm a blog whore and I haven't even seen it). I read about the contest after Erin's turnover and, while from a PR perspective it gives some nice attention to the blog - it, to me, defeats the purpose of what it's actually supposed to be about. In all honesty, I would be more likely to continue reading if it wasn't a war between writers and more-so a quiet turn over.

So to the lovely Molly, I'd like to reassure you on several points on why you should be happy that you didn't win the contest:

(A) Now you can write using swears, vents, etc. with out having to be weary of anyone's input

(B) While you would have been awesome, the blog's credibility was already under shaky ground because of a "contest" - at least in my opinion

(C) And hey! You got to expose a plagiarist!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Milwaukee Girl,
You're absolutely right. I'm really excited about having wide open creative control for my new blog and can take it in any direction I see fit. I think Visit Milwaukee was attempting to appease its already built in reader base of Play in the City by making them feel like they have more creative input. A quiet turnover probably would have been a safer route rather than an unsuccessful PR splash. The whole plagiarism thing just completely threw me off. I never thought that the girl who won was going to be bad news for the blog, her recent entries have been fine. I was just shocked that when I called her out on it, I was chastized for being negative, despite the legitimate white elephant of an issue. The whole contest just turned into a classic case of Mean Girls, and a few nasty dudes thrown in there too. I think losing that contest will end up being a victory in the long run.