Saturday, June 09, 2007

Was I in a Time Warp?

Remember being 16 and driving around, there would be another cute guy in the car next to you and you'd flirt back and forth, eventually popping a sheet of paper up in the window with your name and number?

Yeah, this morning was kind of like that. Running late, I jump on 794 and speed downtown. I glance over to the white van next to me as a guy is looking right at me. I turn forward, only to see him looking still. He's pointing to his left finger and shaking his head. I laughed, flashed that I too, had no ring and got off my exit. It was odd to say the least.


Anonymous said...

car flirting! yay!

daynad228 said...

I had friends in Minneapolis that met this way. It started off with a case of road rage and ended with them getting hitched. They are now in divorce proceedings so I don't advise picking up someone this way.