I tried my best to get him up, but to no avail - which he quickly declared "It's not you!" Which, of course being slightly inebriated at the time made me think the exact opposite.
"I gotta go," I said - putting back on my clothes.
"I'll walk you out." He said. We got to the door, I told him to call Monday when I got back into town. I was amazed at how sober the occasion made me.
By the time the cab dropped me off back at my dad's it was 3:00 - I had one hour to get up. Set my alarm clock on the cell and drifted into lala land, but not before calling TW to let him know my disappointment. He didn't pick up.
I overslept, waking up at 5:45, just 15 minutes before we had to leave. Packed up my things when I realized I was missing my necklace from my grandma. I remembered taking it off and placing it on TW's night stand, I must have forgotten it. Then I remembered the call and hesitated trying to think of a way to casually make the incident go away so I could pick it up.
We drove 10 hours through fields and corn and arrived about 6 hours ago in NE. I was ecstatic to find free internet. We unpacked, packed up the dog and headed to dinner and then conversation with some relatives at another hotel. Biting my nails, I decided I would have to call TW.
When we were out last night, a lot of things came to light - like long term date plans, the fact that neither of us are looking for FBs, were looking for potential. What had happened in the MIA 6 weeks, his disappointment in finding I went to RS, my disappointment that he didn't give me a chance to explain. I told him that I wanted to do this right, that I was finally willing to put effort into a relationship. He kissed me.
When I called I got voicemail, which was promptly returned when he mentioned that he was in the shower. He did have my necklace and I could get it back when we went out on Monday. "Really?" I said.
"Yes, really. Now be safe - I'll call you soon."
I hung up the phone, thanking God that whatever I said couldn't have been that bad and at ease for finally asking for things that I really wanted.
This just might work.
And for a little taste of heaven for all of you - please enjoy this lovely picture of corn. Since I'm seeing a lot of it.