Thursday, December 15, 2005

Decision Made.

I've opted to still bring #4 with me to the party. I better look damn smoking hot and he is NOT spending the night! The problem is everyone has a date and we have a smaller office, which means it's not really hanging out with co-workers, it's a nice night out with a significant other in the company of your co-workers. No babysitting permitted. In further complication - he called to ask what the plan was for tomorrow and then DIDN'T freaking pick up. I'll blame this mishap on a freak accident where both his hands fell off from too frequent masturbation since we are obviously not doing anything!

In sad, sad, sad other news. I've still been checking my email countless times to see if Dr. Dreamy had emailed me back - but no such luck. I guess it's better than receiving the rejection notice. I'm just hoping at some point he replies. I only signed up for the free trial - and now email communication is null and void; however, I will pay the $40 if he seems interested.

In better news, cuite from HC has a name and a real email in which we have been communicating back and forth through. Hopefully, I'll be able to have some really hot shots taken tomorrow to send to him and we can get together.

Sadly, there will be no post tomorrow as I go into micro-manager mode for the event; but, there is likely to be one hell of a juicy story to tell on Saturday morning after my post-hangover drinking schpeel.

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