Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Let's Make a Deal

You don't have to pay interest - just pay it back :) Yeah! That's some extra cash in the old checking account. I'm buying a swimsuit and some fake eyelashes for Vegas - the rest is purely for doing things I'd need to confess if I was Catholic (thank God for being Lutheran)!

I'm so excited about my job - looks like I'll hit my goal for the month of $20K - anything above and beyond is commission. I'll need to find someone to that needs some production work done. The goal of paying off bills is within reach, especially if I can nail down a bartending job when I get back. Ideally it would be great to get most of my car paid off and two of the many student loans.

In other news, if you're a guy you may not want this information, I got a friendly visitor today - something I'm not supposed to get. I'm on Depo (for no apparent reason except the fact that I hate getting my period and never get one on this bad boy) and surprise! I guess that's what I get when I work with mostly females.

In TV news - LOST was good as always. I went by mom's to chill out and relax.

In getting thin news - I'm doing horrible at it. I need to get the energy up and at least work out in the mornings if not do something I've never done, and start running. The forecast is calling for snow and my body for sleep - so we'll see how that gamble turns out.

Last but not least, this concludes another hump day - the count down is officially on and it's only five days until Vegas. Tomorrow is insane with a networking event at lunch and one after work. Friday is going to be packing, as I've just picked up a shift on Saturday at work (comp time - gotta love it!).

I can't believe it's almost Easter. I can't believe it's almost Vegas! It's bad to have those statements in the same sentence ...

Oh one more item-of-note: Want a cute, free e-card? Visit Hoops & Yoyo on - they are awesome!

1 comment:

BZ said...

Yeah, Vegas and Easter in the same breath just seems blasphemous! lol But, I'm really glad to see the finances taking a turn for the better. I know you were stressed about those before.