Friday, April 28, 2006

Grape Martinis = Good Time

One of my favorite pubs has a Purple Haze martini - which in the past has led to a good old time and many great stories and memories. Due to becoming a "grown up" in the last two years, I haven't had the opportunity to venture there much and have gone through Purple Haze withdrawl ... until a couple weeks ago.

A place in downtown has recently become a regular hang out. On our first visit, I asked the bartender what she was really good at making and she mentioned a grape martini. It was their rendition of the Purple Haze, and it was fantastic. Every Thursday we pop by to hear a musician and I drink the lovely martinis. I've built up a bit of tolerance to them, but the lack of having substantial food (I ate sushi for lunch and some fruit snacks) led to me getting a little tipsy on the flavored drink. It was a great time. With that in mind - I've posted a new recipe on my martini blog which has been ignored in the past months. Please enjoy!

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