Thursday, April 20, 2006

Last Night

Our first event for a new group that I'm a board member on was last night. For being a brand-spanking new club, still trying to figure out the ranks, we had 40 people show up to hear our Education Speaker. That was pretty darn good if you ask me! However, the club is traditionally for people 32 and younger - then all the people I used to work with at the agency showed up. That was a bit akward.

My favorite line of the night was, "So how are you doing? How is the new job?" Hoping that I would say it was awful when it was quite the contrary. "I love it. I'm doing great. I love the people and I love the format." Smile. Walk away. It was like salt in their wounds, priceless i tell you. Absolutely priceless.


Anonymous said...

95% of the time when a group of people 32 or younger get together a few of them have sex.

Milwaukee Girl said...

Hmmm. Well it wasn't me!

Anonymous said...

What happened to your Fab at 25 blog? That one didn't stick? I want you to write more about your post regarding 25 things about you that most 25 year olds can't say. You were a soft core porn photagrapher? Do you wear feathers and walk with a gold cane?