Friday, April 07, 2006

It's Friday with One Hour Left!

It is now 4:00 - which means one hour left of work then crazy running around. I'll have to buy a swimsuit, french nail manicure set and fake eyelashes tonight - all in the name of Vegas.

I'm incredibly excited to go on vacation, yet sad because my sales are REALLY good this week and if I could emmulate the same thing over the next three weeks, I'd end up with a commissions check. I guess I'll just have to majorly bust butt when I'm back.

The weather isn't looking so up in Veg-town, so much for sunbathing but who am I kidding? I'll be too drunk or too sucked into the blinking lights and sounds of "cha-ching" in metal trays (or the fake sound, since everything works by chit now) to put on the swim suit I'll go crazy looking for tonight.

The odd thing is if I would have stayed at the old job, I would be craving this break. Now, I don't feel like I need the break anymore! I'm glad I'm going it's not that desperate need to go anymore though.

In the land of boys - I got two phone calls while passed out on opening day asking me to go out with them. Neither left their number and the cell phone was off. Guess it's just not meant to be. We went to a great restaurant called "RipTide" last night after a networking event and heard Marc Ballini play - very Jack Johnson-esque so if you're into that visit him on! He's very adorable :) But not single.

Alright, I'm going to finish things up at work and then I'll chat a bit this weekend. While on hiatous I'll make sure I take drunken pictures of debauchery.

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