Friday, April 06, 2007

Saturday is supposed to be fun.

Now I'm getting concerned with the whole tailgate thing. I should know that baseball, boys and me don't seem to mix.

Like the time I dated the guy that owned the pizza place in Lyons. He broke up with me the morning before the tailgate - but still offered to go. It was awkward. When too much drinking took place I may have yelled, "I regret sucking your dick." He left shortly after.

We need to be at MP at 10:00 in the morning for our rockstar parking and tailgate mishaps. It's supposed to be 32 degrees. Note to self, over lunch I need to buy a sweatshirt. I had originally aimed for a 10:00 meeting, but was informed by 3 participants in our 14 person tailgate that to get there at 10:00 we all better meet at 9:30am. So I emailed the group the following retraction:

"We need to get in the lot by 10 - so it's Target at 9:30!"

Most people wrote back with "Holy crap"s and other notes from all over. LG didn't reply, so I called on my way to Madison last night.

"It's MG - so we need to be on the lot by 10 - so it's 9:30 at Target. Just wanted to give you a heads up. Talk to you later."

I got no call back. I think that might have been part of the reason I couldn't cum in the first hour of messing around with RS, a bit distracted. After the adventurous night, when my phone read "1 Voicemail Message" I smiled thinking it was him - instead it was my boss. Can't say that I wasn't disappointed.

This morning I get this message:

"MG - sounds good - see you then. LG"

I toyed with writing back some funny comment or seeing if he wanted to get together tonight, but then I remembered the waitress and of course - my little rendezvous last night and I figure it's no big deal.

I'll just smile and play nice tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Pretty cold for tailgating...

Anonymous said...

Oh god! I made the mistake of trying to stay friends with an ex without any recovery time at all (we had concert tickets and both still wanted to go). Same sort of thing happened to me. Drank too much and then yelled like an asshole.

Have fun at the game!