Sunday, April 08, 2007

Meeting the parents.

So LG & PA both met my mom, step-dad, sister and her boyfriend yesterday at the tailgate. It was snowing, but we all toughed it out over the blazing grill. Well, I say "we" but I really mean everyone but LG. We cooked, we talked, and everyone joked about what a wuss LG was - the least he could do is STOP drinking in his car and smoking non-stop.

As it turns out, LG wasn't just smoking Camels he was toking up as well - which I didn't see, but J and my step-dad did. With my history of drug users, this didn't go over incredibly well with the peeps.

The game was great, we headed out for drinks after and then to Long Wong's for some Chinese. LG, PA & I went bowling. Then I promptly called a cab and went home.

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