Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Doggie Hell.

Please note my calendar below and then question me on why my apartment is a mess.

Dog #1 - March 19 - March 30

Dog #2 - April 6 - April 20

Dog #3 - April 20 - April 25

Dog #4 - April 27 - April 29

Dogs #5 & 6 - April 29 - May 5

Now, I did try to say no to dog #3, until E told his owner that we'd tag team - then she took him for one night. And dog #4 is Pete - and technically I'm supposed to have him until the 30th but begged my sister to take him.

On the other notes, it's decent money. Dog #1 was $100, Dog #2 was $250 - all of what went to Vegas. Dog #3 doesn't pay well, dog #4 will be free, but dogs 5 & 6 will pay well. But, I'm exhausted.

1 comment:

BZ said...

I dog-sit on the regular. You should be charging more money! And, I typically stay at THEIR house. It's safer for both your stuff, and the dog. LOL I take in the mail. Take out the trash if it needs removal. Homes are less likely to be vandalized while occupied. And, I get $35 per calendar day for one dog. I charge more if they have more animals or if they require special care.

Make that money, girl!