Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Last night of bowling.

I'm about 1/2 from leaving for the final night of bowling for this season! This of course means midnight bowling in black lights and excessive drinking and perhaps a bit of good-bye bowling smooching.

It of course, also means seeing what the deal will be with LG. Last week he failed to show, he blamed it on networking I blamed it on the un-comfortability with two chicks you've recently gone out with being in close proximity of one another. To add complexity to his system this evening the kiss from Monday will play apart. Then there is of course the fact of did he or did he not inform PA? If he did what's the reaction. And yes, my lovely anonymous reader(s) I do realize I shouldn't care and that I'm overanalyzing a tad-bit.

To add tit for tat, I'm also traveling to Madison on Friday and toying with the idea of a lunch break. This will, no doubt, pend on this evenings activities. If things seeming promising with LG I may just behave myself this time around ... MAY, I said, may.


Anonymous said...

Forteheathat milwauke girll your to nice to beh assehanging whith these crapypy guys. YOu soudl htry out hteat lkjjaomes brown stains hggyuy yhhes seems to like wyou Screw that passive aggressive gyyuy too you should have gbetter than tthat aslos so doesth e Rouck starfrom dmadison still have ihis slchlong pierced youv never answered that. Alosoh show are your workouts going these dyays you have n't updated your fab at 25 notw twent7y 26 blog in as while. I['llb et it's going great balosyosus is a good tploace to work out oI love allth e tv's thye y have in there bpplus hteir treadmills are top notch. Love ya girl have a good nittht!!

Anonymous said...

remember the more you keep the rpck star on his leash the better hte xexxsex will bef for you.

Anonymous said...

youaru cool wmilwuake e girl what everh happlened to your friend di shen henver posts that so sttoo band I here d seh nhyoiuoujbe hillttting the dating market soon did yoeur her huyspand sober up?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous needs a name when he leaves comments so we can call you something. The way you typed that first comment I'm thinking crack smoker might fit but I'll let you come up with one. By the way gurl I hit the Highbury last night.

BZ said...

So what's the deal?!? I want to hear about last night!