Monday, March 19, 2007

It's only Monday.

10 hours later, I'm finally home and after a quick run with the dog I finally put on the PJs and checked my email for the last time. Today was a mish-mosh of running around, but it's nice to be home.

As for my semi-date, there's some explanation due to the semi. LG (Lawyer Guy) is a friend of PA. On Wednesday after drinking a bit too much, I slipped him my number and counted the days go by, somewhat glad he didn't call. He's dating the waitress at the bowling alley (who, I might add, has a boyfriend) but I can't help but be intrigued by him. He called Saturday while I was shopping with my mom and asked me to go out with that night. We went out to an east side bar and talked for 6 hours. He bought all my drinks, even offered me his coat when we walked to the little restaurant and paid for dinner. I tried to pay for things and even was fine on the walk, but I accepted it. At 2:30am we left - no kiss, nothing. Hence the semi-date. We'll see how Wednesday turns out.

Alright, going to bed ...


Anonymous said...

Hmm, that's a pretty odd semi-date you had. At least you didn't have to pay for anything.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we're finally gonna get some sex in this blog again. A lawyer will talk you into anything.

BZ said...

Wake up! And get back to writing. :-) I have what I think will be a semi-date this evening. Woo hoo!