Friday, September 14, 2007

What friends DON'T say.

Last night was a big client party and in tow were several baseball and football players. The BF is a huge sports fan so I called and left a voicemail rubbing it in his face, "Hey babe, just wanted you to know that these guys are super nice and they send their love." I proceed to also have them autograph the night's giveaway because I think it'll be a nice gift.

Now, it's pretty much the last night I can go out and I'm pretty in the bag, so I start calling people to see what they are up to and tell them about who I met. No one picks up. NG calls back, I tell him jokingly that I'll have to break up with the BF because I'm in love with Chris Capuano. "What does that have to do with me?" he says.

For a guy that sure enjoys that I pay for everything when we go out and feels free to put shit on my tab with out asking, you'd think he could give me a little "awesome" or something.

I told him that I just wanted to tell someone.


Thank god for Vegas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope your having a good time at vegas! Win lots of money so you can buy yourself a house with a roof!