Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Now that I have a bit of time ...

9:00am - Cop arrives at office.

We chat about what has happened. So here it is. This past weekend, she enters my apartment without consent, cleans the fridge and throws out everything. Then, according to her letter, went through my closets, my bedroom, my bathroom & my backroom. She details in the letter how she believes I need to clean & organize better, that she took the time to put some items in order and that she noticed the cat had peed on a blanket in back (which was in a CLOSED plastic container so I could take it to the dry cleaners). Fearing that he had done it to everything, she removes 5 blankets, 4 pillows and puts them outside on her patio. SIDE NOTE: I had one pile of towels on the livingroom floor and a laundry basket full of clothes. All rooms w/doors were shut.

Sunday comes along and I get the letter. I inform her in a note myself that she needs to give me 12 hours notice and that she has completely violated my privacy. I WILL be out October 1st.

I call her and her husband to inform them that I'm done, I'm sick of my rights being violated and perhaps they need to look into tenant law. I've turned in my notice.

Monday I stop home because it's raining. Sure enough, my kitchen is flooded. I take video of everything, including me locking doors, turning off fans and lights. I pack two boxes and head to Franklin. I say hi to the Bumpkin, proceed for football at the BF's house and then hightail it to the dog I'm sitting.

Tuesday I come back, video camera in hand. I notice the top lock is not locked. I take video as documented proof that she has AGAIN, gone through things. I pack more. It's 2am, no call from the BF. Might as well sleep in the shit hole.

It's 7am, I'm in the shower. I hear pounding. Shampoo is in my hair. I answer the door in a bathrobe, it's my landlord. "Listen, I've informed you that you owe me 12 hours notice by law."

"No I don't. I own the property, I can enter when I want." Puts down the tenant law papers with a section highlighted. People enter my apartment. I proceed to the bathroom, put on my pajamas and head to work. I'm done.

I call my dad who has a property landlord. She informs me that my rights have been violated, so I need to (a) Call Neighboorhood services - already done, (b) file a complaint and call health department - already done, (c) file a police report for breaking and entry and theft of belongings.

So I did. The officer comes and I review everything that happens. He informs me that it's a grey area because I haven't paid rent and I haven't been living there. I inform him, I'm not going to get sick or potentially bitten by a racoon by living there. There's a HOLE IN MY CEILING. He says that he'll file the report, but doesn't know the end results due to the situation. He leaves. It's 10:30am.

By 12:30 I ask a co-worker to go with me to see the building inspector. It's 12:53 when I'm just up the road. The inspector calls me, he's there and ready to go. We head up to the apartment, his mouth drops. "This is NOT good."

He informs me that really, the hole is the least of his concerns. There's insulation, there's mold. There's a tarp for godsake that she mis-installed next to wiring. The place could go up in smoke. And please do not turn on any lights for that reason. He also records that I have no windows in my kitchen, that my smoke alarms don't work, that the lock on the back is installed incorrectly and serves no purpose. Then he informs me that while he was waiting he noticed several violations outside the house as well. This has become a head priority case. He'll get back to me in a bit.

Finally, I'm validated. Thank God. I'm not crazy. NS calls back to inform me the place is untentable and as long as she'll let me out of the lease, I can move out under no penalty. Which she agrees too. They also inform me that she's been given a 5-day working order to fix everything or she'll be fined.

Good thing I leave for Vegas soon. Bad thing? I still need to find a place by October 1st.

So now it's a hell of a lot of packing before Vegas and trying to procure the right people to help me move items out of the apartment. I will leave a few items in there since I feel no need to move things to Franklin and back to Bay View in two weeks. It's just not going to happen.

I have to help Biz move tonight at 6:30, then I'm taking a friend with me to pack more. I'm hoping to clear up a lot of boxes that I can use Erica's truck to remove on Friday.

So much for seeing my boyfriend before I leave.

I'm exhausted just thinking about it.


MD said...

HOLY Crap, you are such a trouble maker! Just kidding. That sucks, but at least you were right!!

Sounds like your landlord is getting what's comin' to her! Perhaps you should flick on the lights before leavin' *wink wink*.

Anywho, if you don't mind me asking, did anything ever come of the wink on Match? Did you ever talk to BF?

Have fun in Vegas!!! Officially, you can wave that What stays in vegas rule for blogging purposes!

Anonymous said...

If he doesn't help you move, he isn't your boyfriend; it's a fwb relationship.

wearingthepants said...

You'll have to tell me where you go in Vegas -- I'm going for the first time in a few months!!