Monday, February 19, 2007

Girl Code?

On Saturday we had our big intro party for two new friends, PA ended up showing up for a good time as well.

At one point, one of the new girls MA and I were chatting with PA and she brought up the bowling mishap with Internet Guy. He had left 1/2 way through because he expected me to fawn over him, but I thought we were just friends - miscommunication. MA questioned whether or not I make out with my friends, I said "Of course, PA and I make out all the time." PA shook his head, blushed a little in an embarrassment.

As the night went on, I scuttled about the groups of people and heard in round about fashions that MA was wondering if I would be irritated if she went home with PA. Most people said no, a few asked me before they gave their answer.

"He's not mine to have." I replied.

"But it's girl code, you can say no if you're interested in him." certain people responded.

It dawned on me that "girl code" is probably different for each set of girls ... for me I won't pull girl code unless I'm really interested in dating someone, my feelings could be hurt by the certain person in question hooking up with someone else - but unless they've slept together it's all cattle on the range. MA herself asked if it would offend me, and I told her definitely not.

Unfortunately, I don't think my girl code rules apply to all girls.

The next day I got the clear impression that PA and I are no longer allowed to make out. Turns out MA's girl code is if she makes out with someone, they can't touch them even if you had dibs first.

Girl code blows.


Anonymous said...

Another interent guy? Or is this one from before? Anhoo, it's starting to warm up so using Passive/Aggressive at the bowling alley like a man shawl isn't as necessary as it was when it was ten below out. Just as long as she's done with him by September.

daynad228 said...

Girl code only exists between good friends, like us. Luckily we have different tastes in men so we would never overlap. It does not exist between two women have known each other for a limited amount of time. This person may be someone that you might consider a friend in the future or it may be someone whom you cannot stand in 3 months. It is too soon to tell, so fuck her girl code and have some fun already!