Friday, February 16, 2007

A busy week in recap.

Monday. Woke up with a bit of a hangover from Sunday's date with BG and the screwdriver mania I encountered while there. Went to the gym for breakfast and lunch, had a staff meeting. Canceled Heroes night with friends, because it was my only night off. Went to bed at 12am.

Tuesday. Went to gym in the morning, went to lunch with former students of mine, worked until 4:00 and headed next door for an event. Worked until 10. Went home, went to sleep.

Wednesday. Woke up, damn gym. Went for an hour, headed into work because in the shower I realized that we had a lunch meeting that now needed to be rescheduled since J was arranging a quartet at work to sing for E and I got put in charge of the schedule hashing. Went to a promotions event at 9am. Worked, set up the quartet, video taped, youtubed, had dinner meeting with client, bowled. Made out with BG because PA was macking on some other chick. Really wanted to kiss PA. JF saw the kiss with BG and lectured me on not doing that anymore, since I don't want to be his girlfriend and he wants me to be.

Worked in Madison, on the drive up slightly thought about arranging "lunch" - thank god E was driving, I wouldn't have a vehicle and not sure the boss would approve of lunch spent that way. Worked all afternoon, right before leaving for the event, E turns to me -

"Have you seen the doctor yet about your stomach problems?"

"Nope. I keep forgetting to make an appointment."

"Funny, their number is in my phone. You're making the appointment now."

Made a doctor's appointment for a checklist of items, my stomach problems when I eat meat, and hell - while I'm there - how about the yearly STD check up just in case? I've only had protected sex since my last check up, but that was almost 2 years ago and it's better to be safe. Headed to the event, left around 8. Got two voicemails from #1. Love has gone astray.

#1 and his lady officially started dating about 3 weeks ago. It was very romantic, that crazy laying in bed "I just want to see you" story. Insane. She loves purses and he researched them for 2 weeks to see if he could find the right one to make her Valentine's day. They lavished gifts on each other on Wednesday, and Thursday morning sent messages about how happy they were. But at 1:00 she told him they needed to talk - in person. On Saturday. Not on the phone, not over text, not over email. She had things to discuss. His heart broke. Hell, my heart broke. He's the male counterpart to me. Partly due to his sudden relationship (and I know this sounds crazy), I finally started thinking that I could be in one - but now, now he's going crazy with worry because he loves her.

Off to the doctor's appointment and then on to my 1/2 day. Turns out D might come up from IA, so I've got a house to clean!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Busy week. At least the sun is staying up longer, that makes it feel like you have more time to fit it all in.