Monday, October 23, 2006

Clarification in a male with no sex

JF and I went out tonight, he's schmoozing the ladies and getting pretty serious so of course there was no action; especially since he's the biggest supporter of CB.

I admitted to my affair because I knew I'd get an honest answer. He said that there was no "affair" up until this point and no need to feel guilty over my actions - unless they happen again.

He was in the same position as CB at his age and he said that in all honesty, it's scary to be that way. Everything is a new encounter and you're afraid because you need to have the experience supposedly and you don't. Which makes sense.

I'm a little put off due to the fact that I emailed CB & called him tonight, but got a reply to nothing. And I'm horney as all hell. I guess that's what it came down too.

As always, JF and I had intellectual conversation and we're both in the same position of questioning monogamy at this point. We chuckled at the thought of living close by eachother and just having sex occassionally if this doesn't work out. It's a great thought, but I'm sure it won't happen - he's too nice & too hot to be single for long and there is that fact that I think I actually want this to work with CB - besides being called Christina.

On a sidebar, something to ponder, would be is this still "Single in the City" or if I'm not single? Hmmm.

And then there's the point that JF brought up - am I single? That's what mine & CB's myspace says but am I emotionally involved?

It's been so long I don't even know anymore ...

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