Friday, January 05, 2007

A Woman and Her Numbers.

So a comment by JBS got me thinking, he wondered why I would drive so far for so little and I started thinking about it.

Primary response is, while temperamental he is, I do cum - multiple times with him and if he can't provide it through regular means, he'll get me there with other ways. But really, I could find that in Milwaukee. So why do I?

I guess a lot of it has to do with numbers. A friend and I were talking 2 years ago at a bar when I started to mess around with #1 again, "Why do girls mess with their exes? I don't understand the philosophy." My response, it's a matter of numbers baby. I will "reuse" people so that my number of partners doesn't go up. I'm not sure why really, but I know what I'm going to get and I don't ever have to blurt out a huge number. In honesty, my number is 6. It was really uncomfortable having filled a hand and switch to another one, granted I've been having sex for 12 years now and it's not really that big of a number for that amount of years, but it's still weird to think about.

I'm not saying that I don't know people whose numbers are way higher than that and that I think less of them, it's their comfort level and their prerogative - it's just not mine to have it be that large.

Out of the six, I still talk to two people that I've had sex with - #1 and RS. #1 is now in a relationship, which takes that relationship off the shelf, so it leaves me with a decision to up my number for the sake of sex or go with what I know - that's how I justify my trips to Madison.

But it's just not sex numbers that a woman guards. Someone women won't reveal their age, their weight, their size. I mean it's just a thing with us and numbers I guess!


Anonymous said...

So you just keep doin' the same thing you know isn't going to work because you're afraid of how the numbers look? What if #7 is the man of your dreams, but you miss out on him because you're wasting your time with the broken old #6.

Dr.John said...

Having had sex with only one person and tha for over fourty years , six boggles the mind. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I had to choose which of your four to leave this one on.Hey- you need two more blogs for the magic six.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I think the ancient just called you a tramp!

Anonymous said...

what about Chris Rock's 6 dick curve?