Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday, Monday

It's Monday - it's so hot I probably don't need a lighter to light my cigarette when I step outside, it should ignite on its own.

Tonight is my only night off - every other night is packed with work and my head already hurts thinking about it. It's hard when everyone tries vying for that one day ... come to dinner (Mom), come out for a drink (friend), go to the gym (conscious), want to come over? (co-worker), can you do this tonight? (sister, co-worker), you need to clean your apartment (Dad). It's like the heavens would close and eat us all up if I was able to have a lazy day.

Instead I've decided that no, I will not go out to dinner, no I will not have a drink, YES I will go to the gym (and leave promptly at 5), no I won't come over, YES I will try to do X & Y for them but only after I clean my apartment.

In exciting news, my sister's adorable bunny had her babies yesterday. 4 semi-adorable flopping rodents with no fur and little ears. 2 look like mom, 2 look like dad. Funny, this procreation thing, don't you think?

1 comment:

BZ said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean! Every evening this week will be spent at church helping prepare for our Children's Festival on Saturday. And, I need to do laundry. But, amidst the lunch with one friend, shopping with another, movie with yet another on Friday; field hockey on Saturday and church and family on Sunday - WHEN DO I HAVE TIME? I wish they had laundry facilities at work. I could do my laundry here with as much time as I spend blogging! LOL