Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Nixing the smoking

One good effect of working in an even smaller business is the lack of people that decide to fill their lounges with cancerous smoke every day. I have officially not even knocked out a pack in three days. This is a HUGE accomplishment. When at the other job, I smoked a pack and a half - yes, AND A HALF a day because I needed the break, the escape. I have decided to not even tempt myself, and I leave the pack in the car.

I have noticed I am INCREDIBLY tired by 2:00 - but perhaps this goes hand in hand with the lack of caffine and no green tea for the afternoon.

Man, I'm so itching to land a sale. I'm calling out my dogs even before training is over. I figure I'll put out the feelers and when I'm ready - BANG.

In other news, I'm so happy I still get to dog sit this weekend for my favorite pooch! I was a bit afraid since the dog sitting was with a, now, former employee that I might never see him (or her) again. I got a call this morning saying I still could watch him, in fact she needed me a day earlier. This works out well, since I do believe that I don't get paid this week and the funds are aching just a tad bit in the account. This can happen when you get three days off of your job with out compensation.

As for this weekend, I'm pretty sure I ticked off Mr. Ad pretty bad and that I should stop making excuses for my behavior. The reality of the situation is that between #3 and the ex and the ex-fiance fiasco last year, I'm not sure it's even there. As one of my lovely friends put it - it's either there or it isn't. Now the questioning of my preference hasn't stopped, but I'm not going to push the issue just to get some d*ck to prove I'm not bi or lesbian. As I tried to explain to #1 the other night, I'm very asexual right now - not feeling drop-dead-sexy, come take me now. I feel horrible because he is very nice, but I'm just not ready :( (That's right - I used an emoticon)

Back to looking for articles and the basics.

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