Friday, March 31, 2006


There have been a lot of late nights this week - all in good fun and not in nasty work like the old place - but not having any cash is folding into crankiness. It's hard to have friends buy you drinks and what not with out being able to do the same for them.

Here are a few cranky points that are getting to me:

(1) Dad. Mentioned he can tell I haven't been going to the gym. What are you trying to say here Pops?
(2) Grandma. Compared my recent disgust with life to her own. Not fair.
(3) Money. Oh I miss you so.
(4) The "do this and do thats." I love my family, I do but everyone expects me to be at their beckon call and they get mad when I say no. Why is it wrong if I just want to go home, put on PJs and eat ice cream in bed once a week?
(5) Sales. No one is returning my cold calls. Granted, I hate cold calls as well but I need to sell here!
(6) Business Documents. Writing this business plan for work is ticking me off because (a) I'm not sure what I'm doing (b) it keeps getting added too and (c) I have to sell 60K this month to get a comission check! I don't have time to write a 40 page document AND sell 60K especially when I'm gone for a week out the month.
(7) Boys. I haven't spoke to any in a week. This is a good thing, I know but still ...
(8) My old friends that are too busy to even call me back, but when I see them say "we never hang out" - duh. Because you never call me back idiots. And they get offended when I'm drunk and ask them if I should take them off of my friend list and stop bugging them.

And here is a list of things I need to use money for this weekend if I ever get my check:

(1) Swimsuit
(2) Cat litter
(3) Cat food
(4) Gas
(5) Student loans

$92 does not go that far.

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