Thursday, October 18, 2007


The Chili was good. It required red pepper and tabasco, more chili powder and some other random seasonings, but I was proud of my efforts.

Our friend lost her baby last night.

I was actually sick on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday from work - I took 1/2 days. I'm still clocking in over 45 this week. My favorite expression? "I wish you could go home but ..."

I still haven't gotten back my security deposit from my landlords and the $2.52 until next week isn't going to cut it. According to the stupid Wisconsin laws (including the one that said I STILL had to pay rent for a place I couldn't live), they have 21 days and I must have made a concerted effort to get the money back. So I had to call and leave a message and send a letter asking for them to return my money by the 21st. Wanna take bets on whether or not that call will get returned and whether or not the money will be in my hands by the 21st? Didn't think so.

I'm sitting at work right now waiting for a 7:00 event, 14 minutes left. I'll probably leave in a short few.

The relationship is going well. There's times I can't believe where I'm at. The other night he came over and I twisted my back at work, so with out even prompting he rubbed the sore spot. It's so weird having someone that makes you smile all the time - all though it's taken effort I must admit....

Alright, time to walk over. I hope this night ends soon!!

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