Tuesday, August 28, 2007


We all make mistakes. It's unavoidable. Sometimes the mistakes are little, "I shouldn't have done that," sometimes they are life altering, sometimes it takes 8 months for you to fully realize what you did.

The posting last week
where I talked about the supposed "art director" at my job has recently escalated his already gigantic "I'm so damn important" head. This morning he reamed me a new one, again. He's hung up on me 3 times today alone. All I keep getting told is to remain professional.

The mistake I made in regards to him, is I'm actually the one who pushed to have him hired. We were looking for a replacement instructor and I saw one of our money makers going by the wayside. After attempting to hire three other people, I suggested him to the dismay of our talent director. Now I realize that those gut instincts are correct. I'm so entirely sick of him telling me how to do my job. I want to scream, "you wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for me! Show some respect!" But instead I have to remain professional and just suck it up with "I'm sorrys" and "I know" even though I'm not and I don't know.

Tis the life factor I guess when you're dealing with a 26 year old a-hole.

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