Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Going back to yesterday...

Anyway - Saturday I just hung out with E & J for awhile and hit the sack semi-early after walking the dogs.

Sunday morning was the zoo with the kid & NG & his girl. It was a blast, but a long time in muggy weather. When we arrived back to TW's place, everyone was exhausted but me & the kid, so I packed him up and he helped me walk the dogs. When we got back TW was sleeping and I left to take a shower. He called around 9:00 and asked me to come over and watch a movie. I was highly anticipating the fact that I might con him into a little s-e-x, but not so much. All the sudden he wasn't feeling good.

Last night I called him at 8:00 to see if he went to work, which he didn't. He felt like crap and I offered to drop off cold pills. We chatted mundanely for a couple minutes and then I headed home. So much for our Monday sex-trot. Now I have to wait until Thursday.


It's weird to not only miss having sex, but to miss just being with him. Joking around, tickle wars, just relaxing in his arms.

Maybe next week.


Anonymous said...

Uhoh, he must not have washed his hands after the petting zoo.

Milwaukee Girl said...

LOL. I think he'd agree.