Friday, March 21, 2008

What NOT to say.

When you’re drunk - you should NOT say:

"I can’t have sex - not because I’m tired - I’ll tell you later"

LATER COMES: "I have sores on my cock"

When talking about her best friend, and her date jokes about how she made out with him because he was drunk. Your comment in front of your girlfriend should not be "I guess I wasn’t drunk enough for her to make out with me."


Oh - and not responding to the text, "I just want to be worthy of you actually loving me for me" also not smart.


MD said...

As confusing as finding sores on my cock would be. Please elaborate and provide names and telephone #'s

daynad228 said...

13 days until I will be there and Opening Day festivities can begin. I am so ready to be in a different zip code. We have lots of catching up to do!

MD said...

yes, ass or whatever other body party it touched.

Angie said...

in case this wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back (or the sore that convinced you to leave him)...perhaps you should read through just THIS month's blog and see if he still sounds like a catch.

I don't know you outside your blog and I know you're better than that.

Anonymous said...

So are all these statements concerning the BF??

Bella said...
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Bella said...

Really?!! Sores? Really??!!!

And you still want to associate with someone who has obviously been cheating on you.

But, wait, let me guess... he came up with an excuse, which you bought, and now everything is just fine.

For the love of God, when are you going to realize that this guy is a loser and you would be better off single for the next 20 years than to be with someone like him?

But what do I know? It's your life. I just don't think I can read about it anymore.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that's just icky.