Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Yes Man.

Over the years I've developed into quite the Yes Man, and now I'm reaping what I sowed. Especially when it comes to family. You see, when my parents split some 15 years ago they divided up the holidays; however, if you dare not show up at Mom's on Thanksgiving (even though it's Dad's holiday) she's not going to talk to you until after Christmas. And when we proposed alternate holidays (Christmas on the 27 - yup, I'd even offer to give up my birthday), the response? "Have the other people move their holiday."

It's getting ridiculous now that I've been with the BF for 9 months. It's get up, go to his, go to my number one, go to my number two, go home, go to bed. 1/2 the day is in the car. It's gotten to the point where I'm about ready to accept the silent treatment and fall from grace so that I can have a moment of free time to myself. I mean, his family is the same way too - no budging. And we definitely can't combine the holidays.

The other thing is our Vegas vacation. That's a whole lot of "yes, mam" as well - I go with my mom - she wants to move, you move. She wants to eat, you eat. You do nothing without permission. Sleep in? Nope - she wakes up early. Well, this year the boyfriend wants to go (and let's revist the cruise - probably won't see him for a second) so I told him to bring a friend because it's the only way I can possibly balance the two people and make them both happy.

The downfall? Where do I come in? This is my vacation technically and I want my boyfriend there, I want to experience his first time there. It's a me & mom thing though, so she's throwing a fit and doing the guilt trip on how she'll just stay home - but I want her to be there so I have someone to hang out with. But these wants just don't seem to matter in the sense of balancing everyone.

I think I'm going to approach the BF with coming down on Sunday and not Saturday - that way me and mom have a day and a half to ourselves and he doesn't have to take an extra vacation day. Then he'll come down and come back with us.

I don't know .... advice??


Anonymous said...

I suggest re-reading your own posts about the cruise and see if you still think its a good idea to bring him along.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, it sounds like a bad idea to try to have the Mother/Daughter and BF/GF trip combined in one. You should really have separate trips, otherwise, you won't be able to enjoy being with either. Just my 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

Ha, I suggest you use the boyfriend as a weapon against your mom. Let them but heads for a change, and save yourself.

The good thing about being a yes man is that eventually they get the plum upper mid management positions.... lots o money just for agreeing with ideas that you know are stupid.

wearingthepants said...

Have you seen any of the money he owes you from the cruise yet??

Lauren Elizabeth said...

I think your damned if you do and damned if you don't. I would stick to the idea of having him bring a friend and come down on Sunday, that sounds like the best way. And maybe try bossing your mom around for a change, it IS your vacation! :O)

Anonymous said...

This is an easy situation. Spell it out for him before he comes out there. Explain how you do not want a repeat of the cruise situation or else...