Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Is this legal?

I came home today to change before my networking meeting tonight and my apartment door is wide open, lights on, windows open (with my heat on) and no one has told me they'd be there. This is the fourth time it's happened. Each time I've called my landlord and said, by law, I get 24 hours AT LEAST.

Now I want to call him and tell him that I'm done and want out of my lease since this is a continual problem - or at the very least, if it happens again - I'm moving. I mean for goodness sake, my cat could have run out of the house.

The only thing is I don't know if that's legal and I'm not sure if it should be a phone call or not. Maybe a phone call and a letter.

Anyone know??


Anonymous said...

It is definitely illegal!

Angie said...

I work with a Landlord who rents on the UWM campus so often we have to revert back to landlord laws to find answers to our questions...this website has a lot of answers and resources for what landlords can and can't do in the city of miwlaukee...

Anonymous said...

Dont call. Send a letter - CERTIFIED so they have it and you have proof of it. You sure do have issues with landlords. Perhaps it is time to move in with someone else or at least a managed property instead of single units...

Anonymous said...

Of course it's not legal. They were probably planting drugs in your room to pay you back for ratting them out. :) How do you always pick the worst places to live?

Angie said...

just learned today in my real estate class the following - they are req'd by law to give you 12 hours notice IN WRITING before they come by at a reasonable hour, unless it's an emergency.

Milwaukee Girl said...

Thanks Angie! He told me last week that he'd "be in sometime in the next couple of weeks" - nice, huh? He thought that gave him free access.

I told the landlord if it happened again I was out of the lease, to which he agreed and said it wouldn't happen - turns out the landlord told him he has to move in the next 60 days!