Thursday, December 28, 2006


We're currently in the mid-Holiday week, what fun! Christmas and my birthday have passed, and now it's just time for New Years.

Though I despise my birthday, this year it was pretty great. On Tuesday night I went out with #1 for an early celebration and got tanked, puking on my brand new shoes. On Wednesday I woke up on his couch and went into work for a couple hours, then I went to get myself a nice birthday present...

When I was 21 I got the Phoenix tattooed because it signified the rising of a new me, at 26 I decided it was time to get it completed. The flames were supposed to reach out from my butt to my mid-backed, but for one of the first times in my life, I couldn't drop my pants for a stranger - so we worked with in context.

Then I had a great dinner with the family and met some friends out at the Highbury - not just a handful - in fact about 15 or so people were there, for me! All people I've met with in the last year, but great friends regardless. I'll post more later ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you get any gifts?