Wednesday, December 20, 2006

And this is why ...

My dad calls today, "Hey you know next Wednesday isn't for your birthday, right?"

Me: "Huh? But she said it was for my birthday (sister)"

Dad: "She changed her mind, it's baby J's Christmas since we're all going to be together."

Me: "Umm. Wow. Okay."

Dad: "I know it's an issue when we combine, but it's only convenient."

Me: "At least I'll have my cake."

Dad: "She actually ordered one that says "baby J's Christmas."

Me: "Oh."

So ask me again, why do I hate my birthday? Grrr.

And then there was the invite that arrived yesterday as I went to my hair dresser. Wedding, Feb. 9th, 4pm (hair dresser's wedding). At my appointment, "You know you HAVE to bring a guest."

Okay. So gotta find a guest I guess...

Happier note - I love this Christmas song and this is a great rendition!


Anonymous said...

I feel bad for you with the birthday blow off you are getting. The song is a good rendition, by the way. Kinda jazzy.

Merry Christmas!

BZ said...

Hey girl. I hope you had a great Christmas, regardless. And, Happy Birthday!!! *huggs*