Sunday, October 12, 2008

Political Debate

I'm not one to openly talk about politics, what I believe won't change what you think. But this election is so important that you can't help but discuss.

I don't think McCain or Obama is bad. I am an Obama backer though. It's the VPs in this election that terrify me. Palin and Biden. Eeck. I trust the hands of America in either Presidential candidate; however, I trust it in neither of the VPs hands and that makes me VERY unsure of who to elect.

Biden can't keep his mouth shut and Palin, well - to me she's not right for the job.

My major issues with Palin go around her lack of foreign affairs and her beliefs in birth control. Seriously? Abstinence only is what you believe when your 17 year old comes home pregnant? It kills me that she's being branded as a mother going through an ordeal, when other mother's with teenagers that are pregnant are branded under the guise that they are bad parents. I'm not saying that teenagers that learn about condom usage are guaranteed to use them, I'm just saying that its better to say it than to hide the fact.

I'll get in to more when I get back.


Anonymous said...

I think all your readers are gone, I was a day away from taking this off my favorites. Is Sara Palin against pulling out? I could never stop doing that.

MD said...

I thought you left us for good girl!
Luckily you're in my google reader!

Good to have you back.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Some of us thought you might be gone for good. (I'm glad I checked to see if you were posting again.)

Good luck with everything - it sounds like things are going well (for the most part, former employers notwithstanding).