Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cat and dog fights

Today was my dad's birthday, which meant the regular old spending time with the family. I don't like letting my little pupster stay home, so my dad gave me permission to bring her along with and let her run about with his three dogs.

Everything was going quite well ... until my sister came over. In normal fashion she would just criticize everything that people said and did. See in her head, she's better than everyone, but in truth - everyone is afraid of her.

One day I was walking with my three year old niece and I asked her how she liked it at my sister's house (she's not her real mom - her real mom died when she was just a few months old and my sister is raising her). She told me that she was mean, and that she "just says yes a lot to she doesn't yell."

I'm the usual door mat of my family, the relative kicked dog. Everyone knows they'll just tell me to do something and I'll do it. My sister is the worst of them all. To start off, I was going to make taco dip - she called the next day and said she was already making it, I needed to make something else. I told her I would.

The dogs went about their own way, fighting every once in awhile - especially my dominant pooch and my dad's. It was dog fitting haven, constant dog downs and what nots. Of course, my sister had to blame every nip and growl on my puppy.

I had it.

The dog fights erupted into one serious cat fight. I finally stood up for myself and told her to shut it. Probably not the appropriate place and/or time, but I did it anyway, I couldn't take much more of it - the criticism that she's-always-right. My family was astonished and I was told to be quiet in the hopes of good time.

But how much should you take? When does it stop? How long should she go on being the queen of the roost?

1 comment:

Lauren Elizabeth said...

Glad you stuck up for yourself. My dog can be pretty snippy as well, but I do punish her, and it drives me insane when she gets blamed for everything!