Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The last nail in the coffin.

It was his drunken 20 minute rant last night that made me realize that this relationship with the BF just wasn't going work. For 20 minutes he talked about his ex-wife and how he was sick of dealing with her whenever she needed something, and re-iterated about 50 or so times that "she left him" he didn't leave her. When it finally dawned on me. He's still in love with her.

Not to mention the cocktail earlier where I found out that he insinuated that he downgraded to me.

I looked at everything on the table at the moment and realized there was no setting for me.

It has to be over no matter how much I love him, no matter how much I hate the idea of being alone.

I will NOT be the other woman, even if the marriage is supposedly dead.


Bella said...

Good for you for realizing all of this, no matter how scary the idea of going back to "singledom" is. You deserve better, and I think you've realized that, judging from your last couple of posts.

My advice is to rip the bandaid off right now; end things with him. Who cares if the holidays are upon us and all of that stuff? You have enough going on in your personal life to concentrate on that will take your mind off of things. Setting up a new home in your new apartment will be a great outlet for you.

Good luck!!

MD said...

Well said! I think the holidays will be even harder if you are still with him and have all these doubts and feelings about your relationship.

Go find yourself a less complicated guy!