Friday, December 07, 2007

27 in 20 days.

I will be 27 in 20 days.

I was reading back on some of the old posts and I realized that nothing has really changed since 2006. Except I have less money. And a boyfriend (see previous reason). And I'm spending Friday nights alone.

The retrospective of the evening spent either running in the freaking cold or chilling out with the kitties led me to dwell. I hate dwelling. I dwelled on the fact that my mom told me, "You really want to go on a cruise with someone who doesn't love you?" And I dwelled on the fact that my friends were out on dates while my BF was at a freaking club with a bunch of 21 year olds grinding the shit out of them and getting wasted - while not even having the decency to call like he said he would.

I know, stop bitching and do something about it.

Hey! It'll save me $1200.


Anonymous said...

Leave the me there are better men! I have met a few.

MD said...

Yeah! Move to CT and date me dammit!