Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Apple is an Evil Corporation.

I'm a good girl. I buy all my music on CDs at the store or off of iTunes. I just bought Michael Cera & Ellen Page, Ingrid Michaelson's album "Boys & Girls" and the Grey's CD because I liked a couple songs off of iTunes, all excited to burn a new CD for my car .... BUT WAIT.

I upgraded to Leopard. MISTAKE. I upgraded my iLife. MISTAKE. I bought these extra additions and now, now my paid music won't burn!! I've been trying for 2 days.

To listen to this in my car I have to buy a damn iPod (since they're the only player that plays the original format) AND a car connector.

Thanks for f*cking me Apple!


Anonymous said...

Hey MG,
I'm a big Apple nerd, I used to work for one of the stores. I'm very familiar with Leopard and you SHOULD be able to burn your purchased music to a disc. It sounds like there might be a permissions problem with your computer. I'd recommend making an appointment to meet with one of the Geniuses at the Apple Store to have it checked out. Otherwise you could run a permissions verification on your own. You can make your appointment online at either www.apple.com/retail/mayfair or www.apple.com/retail/bayshore up to 48 hours in advance. Sorry to hear about the problem, and you're still entitled to hate Apple if you want to. I'm just trying to be helpful.

Milwaukee Girl said...

LOL - the truth is I love APPLE, which makes the story funny to me. I read on a couple threads on apple.com that it's a bug with iTunes and the geniuses don't know how to fix it :( They said an update should be released Friday or early February to fix the problem.

In the meantime, I guess I'm finally getting an iPod tonight!

Bella said...

In a strange twist (conspiracy?) Apple sent me an ad today saying that they now have PINK iPod Nanos. Hmmm...maybe the forces at Apple want you to buy a pink Nano (or at least ask for one for Valentine's Day?). Just a thought...

I love Apple, and it sounds like a trip to your local Apple store in a couple of weeks will do the trick.

Anonymous said...

creative labs is much better for the price, F U Apple.

Milwaukee Girl said...

Yes - but yet, I now own a Nano --- BUT THEY DIDN'T HAVE PINK! :(

Anonymous said...

So what color did you get? :)