Monday, October 27, 2008

No More Candy! And Ummm, Target what are you thinking?

It started with 20 bags. That should be enough right? Roughly 30-40 pieces each bag, we'd have plenty left over for us. 1:00 the trick-or-treating begins. 1:30 I need to run to the store and purchase more, prior to leaving I bring two more hidden bags out and a 1/2 a bag of dum dums. But it's not enough. Kids are being BUSSED in. Freak. By the time I get back my friend helping me out had to hand out individual Kisses (Candy Corn - doesn't sound good, but is). 12 more bags. 12 more. Buys us another 45 minutes but there is still 1:45 left. A sign went on the door.

Also - anyone else notice this?

I'm sure you've seen this email ...

I'm a little buzzed after a charity function and I go to Target - figuring my dog would be super cute in a costume (she was a rooster). On the way out, I start busting out laughing. Domo (the monster) is the new spokesperson for target. Umm, doesn't anyone do research?

Now I do know that Domo is a Japanese character, yah-dah-yah-dah. But no one in that pitch meeting thought, "That's the masturbating monster that kills kittens?" That's what I thought right away!

1 comment:

Lauren Elizabeth said...

Hahaha, apparently Target doesn't have many email forwards going around their offices.